Pipeline Compliance Management Program (PCMP)
By leveraging the experience and expertise of Altamira’s staff, our clients can benefit from an all-inclusive Pipeline Compliance Management Program (PCMP). This approach mitigates risks associated with pipeline operation and maintenance activities, asset integrity lifecycle, and overall regulatory compliance.
The PCMP approach empowers operators to proactively manage pipeline risks, ensuring smooth operation, asset integrity, and compliance with regulations.
Altamira’s Pipeline Compliance Management Program includes:
Compliance Tasks
- Annual PHMSA and State Reporting
- Annual National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Submissions Annual Program Reviews
- Threat Assessment and Annual Evaluation of IMP
- Annual High Consequence Area (HCA) and Structure Verification Reports Upkeep of Regulatory Compliance Changes
- Scheduled Stakeholder Monthly Meetings
- Planning and Budgeting Cycles for Related Pipeline Activities Management of Pipeline Data and
- Required Documentation
Field Tasks
- Annual Cathodic Protection Testing
- Bi-Monthly Cathodic Protection Rectifier Inspection
- Atmospheric Corrosion Monitoring Right-of-Way Inspections
- Navigable Water Crossing Inspections Valve Maintenance
- Overpressure Protection Inspection Annual Leakage Survey
- 811 One-calls / Damage Prevention
Why are Pipeline Compliance Management Programs Needed?
Limited In-House Resources
Small, accidental, and medium sized pipeline and facility operators often face unique challenges that require unique solutions. Resources are often limited and, in many cases, regulatory compliance expertise within the company is not readily available, which is challenging given the ever-changing regulatory requirements.
Small and medium-sized pipeline and facility operators frequently encounter distinctive challenges that demand innovative solutions. These operators often grapple with limited resources, and in numerous instances, they lack in-house regulatory compliance expertise—an issue compounded by the constantly evolving regulatory landscape.
Complexity of Evolving Regulations
Regulations such as those in the Pipes Act of 2020 and the PHMSA Gas Gathering rule can be overwhelming to even the most tenured operators. In some cases, smaller operators face many uncertainties regarding how to sustain and manage their pipelines and determine how their assets are regulated by federal, state, and local agencies securely and efficiently.
Why Partner With Altamira?
Altamira has the knowledge, expertise, and comprehensive service offerings to support critical components of your daily pipeline operations, focusing on keeping you in compliance with all regulations. We understand the complex issues that you face, and we focus on creating efficiencies which can be costly if not done correctly.
Additional Services Altamira provides with PCMP:
- Integrity Inspections (ILI, ECDA/ICDA, Direct Assessments)
- Regulatory Audit Preparation and Support
- Project Management Support
- Pipeline Design for New Construction, Replacement, or Rehabilitation
- Cathodic Protection Design, Survey, and Troubleshooting
- M&A Due Diligence
- Regulatory Consulting
- Pipeline Permitting
Interested in learning more? Download our brochure on PCMP.
Leverage our Pipeline Compliance
Management Programs (PCMP) Today.
We recognize that pipeline and facility operators face frequent and unique challenges, such as limited resources and difficulty navigating complex and ever-changing regulations. Remove the hassle and leverage Altamira’s expertise, backed by decades of proven results. Speak to one of our PCMP specialists today.