State Emission Inventory Annual Reporting
Annual emission inventories (EIs) cover actual emissions from the previous calendar year for permitted emission sources. Emission inventory reporting is often a requirement for a majority of permitted facilities, but requirements may vary based on the state you are operating in and the permit you are operating under. States use emission inventories to determine annual fees due to them. Every three (3) years, states are also required to report emissions to the US EPA.
Unsure if you have any requirements for your facilities or how to use the reporting portal your state use? Let us know! At Altamira, we have experience in EI reporting for states across the country. We will look at what equipment you operate, what permits you currently operate under, and which states you operate in. From there, we will prepare calculations for each facility and enter into the state’s specific reporting portal and help with submittal. Every step is reviewed internally and will be available for you to review and approve as well before anything is submitted.
Reporting deadlines vary by state (as summarized below), but most are at the end of the end of the first quarter. If your state isn’t listed below or if you have additional questions, contact us to get answers to your questions.
- Fee Emission Reporting (FERs) are due April 15th
- Required annually for Title V (TV) facilities
- Required every two (2) years for non-TV permitted sources: in 2022, you will be required to report emissions from 2020 and 2021.
- Reports are due April 1st
- Sites under the Permit by Rule (PBR) only need to be reported once every three (3) years as dictated by 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart A. If you permitted a site in 2021, you’ll need to report it this year, but you won’t have to report again until 2023
- Sites permitted under the General Permit for Oil and Gas Facilities (GP-OGF), individual minor, and TV permitted facilities will need to be reported each year
New Mexico:
- Emission inventories are due April 1st
- Major sources are required every year (minor sources are required to report every three (3) years as dictated by 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart A. Minor source reporting last occurred in 2020 and is not due until 2023).
- NMED has plans to collect emission inventories on all major and minor sources for calendar year 2023 (including construction permits, operating permits, GPCs, and NOIs.)
- Reports are due March 31st
- Required for all TV facilities and facilities in Nonattainment Areas and “Special Inventory Reporting” areas, if your emissions are above noted thresholds
- Unsure if yours falls into a special area, check out this map:
- Annual reports for Upper Green River Basin due April 30th (winter reporting due June 30th)
- All other minor sources, emission inventories are due April 30th, every three (3) years as dictated by 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart A (all sites were reported in 2020, and won’t be due again until 2023).
- Emissions Reporting and Inventory Center (ERIC) Reports are due April 30th
- Required for regulated point sources of criteria air pollutants and/or toxic air pollutants (TAP)s
- Includes all Title V facilities, major source facilities and facilities (located in attainment or nonattainment areas) that meet or exceed pollutant threshold values as provided in LAC 33:III.919