SPCC Plans and
Site Inspection Reports
Determining jurisdictional oversight, completing initial SPCC Plans, conducting ongoing site inspections and ensuring SPCC Plans stay up to date with the Waters of the U.S. definitions required for every company with oil storage. Depending on how many sites you operate or how complex those sites are, this can be a time-consuming, burdensome task. Altamira has the experienced professionals to help relieve your company personnel of these tasks, freeing them up to focus on other aspects of your business.
Altamira is experienced in preparing Oil Spill Contingency Plans and Facility Response Plans (FRPs) for EPA, U.S. Coast Guard and PHMSA jurisdictional regulations.

SPCC Plans – Altamira’s experienced staff will collect and/or verify information during site visits, compile the information into a SPCC Plan that complies with federal, state and any applicable local regulations. Altamira will have the plan reviewed and certified by a Professional Engineer with prompt delivery to you in your preferred manner. Altamira has completed SPCC Plans for upstream, midstream and downstream energy companies; the food and beverage industry; industrial, municipal and manufacturing sectors; electrical substations; and refineries, petrochemical and bulk storage facilities.
SPCC Inspection Reports – Using a cloud-based platform, Altamira is capable of conducting site inspections, uploading equipment details and photos, and signing off on site inspection completion from the field. Site inspection reports are then generated, which display the data collected in an organized manner.
Customize Your Data – Let Altamira know what additional information you would like us to collect while on-site, and we can add it to the field inspection form. Examples include tank manufacturer, serial numbers and year, heater treater BTU rating and number of pneumatic pumps on-site, among others.
What makes Altamira your competitive advantage?
We understand that data gathered as part of maintaining SPCC compliance has additional value for other aspects of your operation, such as verifying air permit information, completing annual Tier II reports, confirming on-site signage is correct and compliant, and ensuring equipment inventories are accurate. Developed from our owner’s mentality and holistic approach, Altamira’s Site Inspection Report solves this disconnect by collecting and delivering all of the critical information in an organized manner as part of each SPCC Plan.
Our mission at Altamira is to solve our clients’ most complex regulatory, operational and business challenges by being the first choice and trusted partner for strategy, consulting, technical expertise and digital technology solutions.
For more details, download our SPCC Plans and Site Inspection brochure.