Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Every property and piece of land has a history — a history that you may not be aware of when you first buy or start using said property. While, in most cases, this history is fairly benign, other properties may be home to contaminants, preventing you from using the land how you want to.

Whether your land is home to the next residential apartment complex or a new industrial manufacturing center, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) from Altamira is in order.

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What Is Phase I ESA?

A Phase I ESA is an evaluation of a property’s historical and whether any past or current uses present potential challenges and dangers on-site. Phase 1 offers a general overview of site features based on historical information, local interviews and visual inspections, but it does not include extensive testing for hazardous materials and contaminants like a Phase II ESA would. ESAs of any phase must be completed by trained environmental professionals, such as the certified engineers at Altamira.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Phase I ESA?

Assessments usually take about two to three weeks to complete. While some parts of the evaluation, like our site inspection, can take place in a day, the gathering of other information can take some time. Ultimately, most of the timeline depends on how quickly we can gather and exchange information from you and various other sources in the area.

a row of metal pipes going towards the ocean.

What’s Included in the Phase 1 ESA?

The Phase I environmental site assessment involves a few steps. The environmental professionals at Altamira take every step of these assessments seriously. We work efficiently through each stage, including the:

  • Records review: ESA Phase I begins with a review of all historical records, including topographical maps, building permits and title information. We’ll put together a comprehensive history of the land and any buildings that have existed on it, as well as what it has been used for in the past.
  • Source interviews: As we gather historical information from you and your site, we’ll also consult with local land experts and health departments, including the fire department and state/local regulatory agencies.
  • Visual site inspection: Next, we’ll go to the site itself and complete a visual evaluation. This may involve taking images and measurements and looking for any signs of potential physical and chemical hazards. It should be noted that a Phase I ESA only involves a visual inspection and not materials testing, which may be more indicative of hazardous leaks or soil contamination.
  • Reports: After we’ve completed our inspections and reviews, we’ll bring all our information together into a comprehensive report that details our findings and whether the landowner needs to take any action regarding the property. We may recommend a Phase II inspection if there are significant indicators of material contamination.

Why Choose Altamira?

The engineers, consultants, operators and other staff at Altamira have become the leading choice for environmental assessments throughout the United States due to our:

  • Licenses and experience: Our team members come with years of experience in their fields, and our engineering licenses enable us to work in more than 20 states. We also uphold all regulatory standards for environmental services and safety management.
  • Innovative strategies and solutions: We thrive on working through complex situations and stretching our creative muscles to find solutions that work for every party involved. When you come to us for your site assessment needs, we take a proactive approach that covers every base.
  • Committed customer service: Our relationship with you matters to us. We maintain flexibility in our workflow so we can perform on your schedule and are open to your guidance at any time.

Request Your Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Today

Our environmental professionals are prepared to start your environmental site assessment today. Contact our staff to start the process whenever you’re ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still getting to know the basics of the Phase I environmental site assessment? These frequently asked questions may give you a better understanding of the process you are about to undergo.

When Should You Request a Phase I ESA?

Any time you purchase or start using a new property, you should invest in an assessment to ensure the property is suitable for your purposes. Phase I ESAs are also usually required during financing operations, such as getting a loan on the land. Because ESAs can detect major issues on the land, the assessment reduces liability and makes most banks more willing to work with you.

Can Anyone Perform an ESA?

No. An authorized Phase I ESA report can only come from a trained professional. The person performing the assessment must have training working under the requirements set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as well as any additional local regulations.

What Does a Phase I ESA Entail?

The ESA Phase I process includes:

  • A review of land and ownership history.
  • Interviews with local officials regarding past challenges with the land.
  • An on-site inspection of the land.
  • A report detailing all findings.

Do Phase I ESAs Test for Hazardous Materials?

No, only Phase II ESAs offer testing for hazardous materials.

What Will the Assessment Tell Me?

At the end of your ESA, your report will provide you with one of these outcomes:

  • A clean bill of health: Indicates a healthy property.
  • Recognized environmental condition (REC): Focuses on the presence (or likely presence) of hazardous materials.
  • Material threat: Shows physical threats on the property.
  • De minimis condition: Highlights a condition that, while not entirely perfect, is not a threat to people or the environment.
  • Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC): Indicates an environmental condition from previous on-site hazards.
  • Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC): Reveals past hazardous conditions that have already been addressed.

What Is the ASTM E1527-21 Standard?

ASTM stands for the American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM E1527-21 is the American Society for Testing and Materials’ official standard for an ESA evaluation. Up until 2023, this standard was the ASTM E1527-13, but starting in 2024, the ASTM E1527-21 offers the official regulations for Phase I.

Do I Need a Phase II ESA Too?

Based on the findings of your Phase I ESA, the person completing the assessment may recommend a Phase II ESA if evidence determines it necessary.

Can You Pass an ESA With RECs?

RECs are also known as recognized environmental conditions, which indicate the likely presence of hazardous materials on the grounds. If the landowners have a REC that is sufficiently controlled and contained, they may still be able to get a loan or transfer property.

Where Can I Find an Environmental Phase I Assessment Near Me?

Altamira has offices around the country — contact us today for an estimate!

a forest with a power plant in the background.

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